Tuesday, February 1, 2011

F is for Fish

On our first day of preschool  we learned about the letter F and fish. I'm not sure why I picked F first, it just seemed like a fun letter. We started our morning by reading Swimmy by Leo Lionni.

Then we watched a PowerPoint presentation about fish. Ethan enjoyed seeing the pictures and talking about the characteristics of fish.

We followed our discussion about fish with some fun songs and finger plays:

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Fishes
  (to the tune of One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians) 
One little, two little, three little fishes  
Four little, five little, six little fishes  
Seven little, eight little, nine little fishes  
Ten little fishes in the pond. 

Five Little Fishies
Five little fishies, swimming in a pool 
  (Wiggle five fingers)
The first one said, "The pool is cool."
  (Show one finger, then wrap arms around body)
The second one said, "The pool is deep."
  (Show two fingers, then hands measure 'deep')
The third one said, "I want to sleep."
  (Show three fingers, then rest head on hands)
The fourth one said, "Let's take a dip."
  (Show four fingers, then hands 'dive' into water)
The fifth one said, "I spy a ship."
  (Show five fingers, then form scope with hands to peer through)
Fisher boat comes,
  (Form 'V' with fingers, then move hands away from body)
Line goes kersplash
  (Pretend to throw fishing line)
Away the five little fishies dash
  (Wiggle five fingers away)

Next we learned about big F and his buddy, little f. We discussed the sound F makes while working on a coloring page.

We followed snack time with a sticker activity and a giant fish floor puzzle. Ethan stuck with the puzzle and completed it by himself with just a little help from me.

We ended our first morning of preschool with the Loaves and Fish Bible lesson. We read Matthew 14:13-21 and learned about how Jesus fed the crowd of 5000. Then we used grocery bags, construction paper, markers, staples and tape to make the following craft:

Ethan enjoyed carrying his basket around while driving his truck. Before too long he discovered how fun it was to fill and dump the truck with his loaves and fish. :)


  1. Um......you are amazing, my cousin!! I am going to borrow your ideas for sure. I am so lacking in the creativity department, and you are just great at that. I wish you could homeschool my kids :):). Ha!!

  2. Wish we could homeschool together!! How fun would that be? :)
